
Material Stocks (CONUS)

Material Stocks (CONUS)

Unveiling patterns in human dominated landscapes through mapping the mass of US built structures.

Arctic shrub

Arctic shrub

Arctic shrub expansion revealed by Landsat-derived multitemporal vegetation cover fractions in the Western Canadian Arctic



Revisiting the Past: Replicability of a Historic Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics Assessment in the Era of Big Data Analytics

Drought impacts on grasslands

Drought impacts on grasslands

Annual maps of strength and duration of drought impacts on grasslands in northeastern Germany. Based on Sentinel-2 time series from 2017 to 2020).

Crop type maps for Germany

Crop type maps for Germany

Annual crop type maps for Germany between 2017-2019.

Mowing Events

Mowing Events

Mowing events derived from integrated Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 time series at a spatial resolution of 10 m for the years 2017 - 2020.



Gridded population map, Germany, based on building density, height and type (year: 2018).

Settlement Mapping (Q-Team)

Settlement Mapping (Q-Team)

Visualization of student projects in the course Remote Sensing for Settlement Mapping, Summer 2020

Building Height

Building Height

Map of building heights at a spatial resolution of 10m for the entire Germany (year: 2018).

European Land Cover

European Land Cover

Map of twelve land cover classes across the entire Europe at 30m spatial resolution (year: 2015).

Land Cover Fractions

Land Cover Fractions

Fraction map of three land cover types (imperviousness, woody vegetation, non-woody vegetation) across Austria and Germany at 10m spatial resolution (year: 2018).

Material Stocks (D-A-CH)

Map of material stocks in buildings and infrastructure across Germany and Austria at a spatial resolution of 10m. Includes federal statistics (year: 2018).

Turkey - Cropping Practices

Turkey - Cropping Practices

Map of five different cropping management practices across the entire Turkey at 30m resolution (year: 2015).

Urbanization of Ouagadougou

Urbanization of Ouagadougou

This interactive storymap presents results of a study mapping urban expansion and densification of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from 2002 to 2013.

Germany's tree species 2017/2018

Germany’s tree species 2017/2018

Tree species map for Germany derived from Sentinel-1/2 time series and National Forest Inventory data

Tree species of Brandenburg 2018

Tree species of Brandenburg 2018

Tree species map for German federal state of Brandenburg derived from Sentinel-2 time series in 10m resolution


Software developed in the EOL


Name Purpose Link
Bit Flag Renderer QGIS Plugin to visualize raster image bit flags https://bit-flag-renderer.readthedocs.io
EnMAP-Box QGIS Plugin to visualize and process hyper spectral remote sensing data, and particularly developed to handle EnMAP products https://enmap-box.readthedocs.io
EO Time Series Viewer QGIS Plugin to visualize multi-sensor EO time series data https://eo-time-series-viewer.readthedocs.io
FORCE Framework for Operational Radiometric Correction for Environmental Monitoring https://github.com/davidfrantz/force
FORCE4Q QGIS Plugin to create higher level EO data products https://force4q.readthedocs.io
GEE Timeseries Explorer QGIS Plugin to explore temporal raster data available in Google Earth Engine (GEE) https://geetimeseriesexplorer.readthedocs.io
Virtual Raster Builder QGIS Plugin to creation virtual raster images
EO Time Series Viewer

EO Time Series Viewer

A QGIS Plugin to visualize EO time series data from multiple sensors in QGIS